What’s been on my mind lately…

Herd mentality.

Recently I listened to a podcast episode that touched on the topic of social media and the impact it’s having on our society, especially on women. As a culture we already have unrealistically high ideals that are put upon us, but now we are constantly consuming content and mimicking others without much thought, more often than I think we realize.

I see it as I mindlessly scroll on my personal social platforms and also in the conversations around it in the treatment room….it’s a feeling of sameness and just following the herd.

Viral TikTok skincare, beauty trends, cosmetic procedures, wellness fads, fashion…

We are constantly being bombarded and influenced by messages of what everyone else is living and doing. How to eat, dress, move, think, look…basically live.

It feels to me like we have lost the ability to trust our own intuition and confidence in ourselves. To truly know what resonates with our soul and is authentic for OUR true self.

How many of us have spent countless hours looking at how other people are living their very positively filtered life? Or what about the countless dollars spent on clothing someone else wore because it looked good on them? What about the infinite amount of beauty products that deliver very false promises to make you younger, brighter, toned and tightened? “Sign me up!!! Sounds great!!!”  Yep, I’ve had my moments as well. 

I’m starting to notice and become aware of how much I am subconsciously consuming. I’m starting to notice how often I’m looking out instead of looking in. I’m trying to be more mindful of pausing before I hit the purchase button on the newest latest and greatest whatever it may be and asking myself a few questions:

Does this really feel like me? Is this really needed? Is this truly going to enhance my life? Do I trust this brand and are their values in alignment with my own?

REMEMBER. You are a bio-individual human. Your skin, health, and well-being is as unique as your genetics. So what works for your friend or influencer that you’re following-with a different genetic make-up, who lives in a different part of the world, and has a completely different lifestyle to you-may not be the best choice for you.

Our individuality and uniqueness is what makes us interesting and beautiful. A world full of sameness is quite the opposite.

Be true and listen to yourself. Be you.
